Tips for Setting Up and Using Burglar Alarms


Burglar alarms are one of the most effective ways of preventing break-ins into your home or premises. They are also good for monitoring what goes on in your property, and keeping an eye out for any unusual behaviors.

There are many different types of security alarms available in the market. Advancements in technology have made it possible for systems to combine camera, audio, and motion censoring to develop an integrated security system. Regardless of the type of security system you intend to use, knowing how to properly set up and monitor it will enable you to keep your home or business safer.

Here are several tips for setting up and using your burglar alarms.

Initial setup and placement tips

Move cameras around

If your burglar alarms contain cameras, feel free to move the cameras around as necessary. If one night you feel like you need to closely monitor the driveway, place the camera near the garage door overlooking the driveway. If you need to move it indoors, place it in the rooms you feel necessary to monitor.

The key is to remain flexible with the alarm system and to monitor areas of your property that you feel are vulnerable.

Utilize dedicated cameras

If your burglar alarm system has multiple cameras, strategically place the cameras in different areas of the property. Be sure to monitor both indoor and outdoor areas to get a holistic view of the premises.

In most homes, placing a camera on the driveway, near the main gate, and near the front door are essential for outdoor areas. For indoor areas, the kitchen, living room and bedrooms are essential targets.

Monitoring and usage tips

Once the initial setup is complete, the next step is to properly monitor the system. If the burglar alarm comes with a monitoring software, make sure you're familiar with the fine details of the software and how to tweak the settings to your advantage. This includes understanding how to turn the system on and off, setting sensitivity levels, and even how loud the alarm should go off.

Maintenance tips

Burglar alarms are only as effective as how they are maintained. Keep the components of the alarm system away from adverse weather conditions such as floods and snow.

The control panel of the alarm system should also be properly shielded against external elements, and from damage by children and pets. Make sure to have the alarm system regularly checked by the security company for any damages or functional issues.  


24 October 2017

Security Guards, Eletronic Survellience and OTher Security Methods

Hi, my name is Brenda. I have poured my sweat and tears into my business for well over a decade, and at this point, protecting my company and employees is practically as important as protecting my own family. If you have a company, you need to read this blog. In these posts, I am going to cover everything about security guards, electronic surveillance and other security methods. Primarily, I am going to look at the best ways to secure your business, but many of these tips can also be applied to home security as well. If you want to be safer and more secure, you will love this blog.