Is CCTV Suitable as Home Security?


Although CCTV is typically more noticeable in commercial settings where it is used to monitor comings and goings and even, in some cases, staff productivity as well as providing a security measure, it can be used in homes, too. Of course, you tend to see CCTV used less as a home security measure because it has historically been expensive to install full systems. As such, you will tend to see only a few CCTV cameras in operation in domestic settings, usually focusing on the main entrance.

26 January 2023

Perfect Ways to Hide Security Cameras Around Your Home


Advancements in security systems have seen the development of some of the best surveillance cameras. The trend has been driven by the increased demand for residential security systems. Consequently, the options are so many that your best bet at finding the right security camera is talking to a professional in the industry. Once you find the right security camera system, the next step is installation. Some homeowners prefer to hide their security cameras, while others do not mind installing them in the open.

26 April 2022

Does Your Business Have A Good Alarm System?


While many people are quite happy to install CCTV and security systems at home, a lot of the time it is common to see no such protections on businesses. Whether that be an oversight of some kind or just faith in the fact that there is less likely to be a break-in because the business is in a busy precinct, it does put you in a vulnerable position. To avoid this you need to make sure that you have an adequate security alarm system that will quickly notify you and cover your entire shop.

2 November 2021

Installing CCTV at Remotely Monitored Sites: Top Tips


This article will discuss some top tips for installing CCTV at remotely-monitored sites and will include information about assessing image quality, installing high-quality data cables, and having a clear alarm escalation plan. Read on to find out more. Aim for maximum resolution  Image quality is one of the major factors that determine whether a CCTV system is effective and reliable, so it's important to ensure you get the right CCTV camera for the job.

1 March 2021

Factors to Consider When Buying a Home Alarm Monitoring System


Burglary and breaking are continually rising. To discourage burglars from breaking into your home, you can install a home alarm monitoring system. Here are some of the factors to consider when buying a home alarm system. What Are the Features of Your Alarm System? Firstly, you should choose an alarm monitoring system that covers your whole house. This means you need to monitor your front and back doors and also your side windows.

16 October 2020

Two Reasons to Hire Security Guards for Your Festival


If you plan to host a festival in your town or city, it is important to ensure that you hire plenty of security guards for your event. Read on to find out why. To prevent alcohol-induced fights from escalating People often like to drink alcohol when they go to festivals. Even if you do not plan to serve alcoholic drinks at your event, those in attendance may bring along their own and as such may still end up becoming intoxicated.

21 March 2019

2 Ways a Bomb Dog Can Improve Your Business Security


Unfortunately, explosives are used by terrorist to kill people and to cause the destruction of property. Australia is currently threatened by a number of terrorist groups such as Al-Qa'ida and Islamic State (ISIS). These terror groups have published information which allows their supporters to construct explosive devices.The threat of terrorism, including bombs, remains 'Probable', which means that an attack is likely. Below is a guide to the ways in which a bomb detection dog can help to keep your business safe.

24 April 2018